The Holi celebrations are held in conjunction with the Birthday of His Holiness Shri 1008 Swami Hari Harji Maharaj. Devotees recite the entire Shrimad Bhagavad Geeta on this day.
In the evening, there is a lighting of the Holi fire and chanting of prayers led by our Panditji with devotees cirumambulating the fire. This is followed by prayers by devotees which include Guru Vandana, recitation of Chapter 12 of the Shrimad Bhagavad Geeta, Geeta Aarti and singing of bhajans.
Personalised Guru paada puja is also conducted for devotees who want to offer their obeisances and dakshina to H.H. Swamiji.
Geeta Ashram at Malaysia has been the centre of Geeta Teachings in Malaysia. Since it started till date, numerous activities continue.
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